Thoughts | Home Care As Self Care?
Recently, during my morning read I came across this quote: “home caring is an act of self care”. It’s from a daily devotional written in the 90’s, and while a little old school I have found plenty of inspiration from it and I found myself thinking about it over and over… Creating a space of peace and safety. Beauty and refuge. This quote struck a chord with me. Do our surroundings affect us so truly? To the point that caring for them is an act of self care? Whether it’s with the people we surround ourselves with or the objects we surround ourselves with… Does everything we see, touch, feel, converse with affect our energy?
When I sit and think about it, a clean beautiful space to sit in at the end of a day does affect my mental state, so therefore is an act of self care, right? I only say that because I currently have a mess of boxes in my master bedroom (we’re STILL getting settled around here you guys) and it is NOT where I want to be. It feels stressful and I feel anxious. So, what does this mean? Does a clean space really equal a clean mind? Is it really a reflection of our wellness? Does our home reflect what’s going on inside? Vice-versa? Just some things I’m meditating on right now.
I do believe that the visuals and feeling of a space can calm us or stress us. And that the fabric of your home attire can make you feel like the Queen of your castle or like a total Frumpy Fran. And that those things affect our mood, our productivity, and our mental state.
An there’s a lot of value in that. A LOT.
In realizing all this I try to look around my home and notice the things that spark feelings of calm and happiness, and the things that spark feelings of stress and anxiety…. (like dem darn boxes)
Surprisingly, it has little to do with money or space, and everything to do with creativity, perception, and attitude.
Some things for me that spark a feeling of calm and “homey-ness” (aka, things good for selfcare):
+ The morning sunrise with a cup of tea + convos with B
+ A clean living space to relax in at the end of the day
+ The natural lighting in a room
+ Time to just wander around the house and rearrange/organize things (I know I’m not alone in this)
+ Cooking in the kitchen while jazz plays in the background
+ Lighting all the candles on a regular ol’ weekday evening (honestly, I light them almost every evening)
Another thought is viewing “chores” in a different light. As more an act of homecare and therefore, self care. Washing dishes? Doing laundry? Dusting? Hardly exciting. But when these tasks are completed there’s a sense of pride and peace you feel when all is in place. It really is a way of wellness.
What sparks a feeling of calm and wellness for you when it comes to the home? What homecare practices give you a sense of peace? Do you view homecare as an “act of self care”?
"The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home"
Harold B. Lee.