Paris | Part I
Our Paris trip started out with me forgetting my phone….
at the airport, car unpacked, kids out, walking to check
in for our flight and me, realizing I forgot my phone at home. I FORGOT MY PHONE AT HOME. Me. The one who made all the reservations and had ALL the info on my phone. Me. The one who had a google map all pinned out for the trip. I forgot it. We decided to risk it and send B to run home and grab it. Thankfully we live only 10-15 mins away from the airport. So I waited in line to check in for our flight while Buddy went home to look for my phone (bonus: I wasn’t “exactly sure” where it was). Thankfully he found it (on the floor, it was on the floor.) and made it back in time. He walked in and gave it to me with a smirk on his face as if to say “you lucky son of a gun” and I look back and smile like “I know right”
In our two weeks in Paris we didn’t uber or take the metro. Even if it was going to take an hour to walk somewhere, we walked. We walked so many little streets. Streets we would have never seen or experienced if we were too busy trying to get from A to B. We kept our travel pace slow and steady (and even cancelled our plans to go to Germany).
When traveling with little ones it’s easy to get frustrated with the fact that you’re just not going to see as much as you would on your own, but that was kind of the beauty of it. You take slower steps. You really SEE all the little treasures around you. You get to truly experience the simple pleasures. The slow travel pace is a beautiful thing.
This flower market was so freakin beautiful! So inspiring. From the hanging watering cans and birdhouses to all the flower and plant varieties. This was my dream walk.
On the evening of our 10th anniversary together we walked the city at night, something we had done several times on this trip, but it was just extra magical this particular evening. The breeze. The lights. The butter and sugar crepes. The kids eventually getting cozy and sleepy in the stroller while we walk arm and arm. A night I’ll never forget.
You can see Part II here!