Paris | Part II
As mentioned in Part I we walked almost the entire trip (with the exception of taking the Metro back from dropping of the stroller rental on our last day)… and on the rainy days? we embraced it!
I oddly found it even more enjoyable and romantic. The streets were calm and the kids cozy in the stroller tucked under the rain cover (it probably wouldn’t have been so peaceful without that).
B and I cuddled under an umbrella enjoying the beauty all around us and sipping on a warm cuppa.
I loved watching this girl get into the art and tell me her favorites.
The picture of Mila with the Statue of Liberty cracks me up, because not only have we confused her, (there’s an small version of the Statue of Liberty on the Seine AND she saw this one and asked to take a picture with it) but when someone was asking “where’s the Statue of Liberty?” and Mila said “Paris!” I was like “she’s kinda right” Haha. (also, we did inform her that it’s in New York, to which she replied “there’s lot’s of her?”
We got really good at late night desserts.
changing a poopie diaper in the middle of a cafe because finding a changing table is sometimes like finding a unicorn.
Ahhh The Rodin.
Truly one of my favorite museums. The grounds were beautiful and lush and the interior to freakin DIE.
How is every building in Paris so stunning!? Like, how?
B and I felt like broken records when talking about our days, Like “ oh the windows there, and the art at that one, and the colors, and the woodwork, and the doors, blah blah blah” …. I would be like “it’s almost annoying how pretty everything is. ALMOST!”
A frequent Mila request? To be ballerinas together. Always baby girl. Always.
Yea, so…. walking from central Paris to Montmartre? It’s a work out. Just trust me on that one. Also big shout out to B who pushed a double stroller up countless hills. You the true MVP.
These streets. I’ll never get over them.
Mila found Félicies ballet school. And was VERY excited. (if you don’t know what that means, it’s in the movie Leap!)
Our one metro ride. Mila honestly loved it so much.
By the end of our trip Christmas lights and garland and trees were going up, and we watched our first Christmas movie of the season. We decided as we were getting packed to leave that we were going to get the Christmas vibes going early this year. Usually we are ‘no Christmas stuff till after Thanksgiving’ people, but this year we started it a little early (when we got back early November) and I love it so much! We still waited to do the tree till after Thanksgiving, but there was something relaxing about easing into it this year instead of doing all the decorations in one weekend.
Are you an after Thanksgiving decorator? Or an early bird?
Wishing you all a beautiful Christmas and a Happy New Year!!